Early Career Summer School

1-6 September 2014
Portugal Azeitão

SUBMISSIONS to EAWOP Summer School 2014


Please send the following documents by April 1, 2014 to eawopsummerschool2014@iscte.pt

• CV with a list of congress contributions and publications
• Extended abstract of 3-5 pages covering a current study that you would like to present at the summer school, including questions to the audience
• Abstract of 3-5 pages covering future research ideas, including questions to the audience
• EAWOP membership status

Applicants will be selected on the basis of the quality and originality of their planned research. An additional selection criterion will be to increase the geographical diversity and to maximize the representation of all European countries. Applicants will be notified by May 2, 2014 concerning their acceptance.




The fee is 350 Euros for EAWOP members, which covers summer school participation, accommodation in double rooms, full-board and a facultative sightseeing trip around Lisbon on Saturday morning; the fee must be paid by May 30, 2014. Members from eastern European countries can benefit from a reduced fee.

Non-EAWOP members can sign up for a discounted one year membership (May 2014 to May 2015, 50 Euros) through the EAWOP office.

If you prefer to stay in a single room, the registration fee has a plus of 150 Euros, according to the Hotel availability.